What is a dofollow backlink

What is a dofollow backlink

What is a dofollow backlink

Introduction: Dofollow backlinks are hyperlinks that pass authority from one site to another. The SEO value of dofollow links cannot be overstated because Google, through analysis of web trends and page performance, has long determined that they are the predominant contributor to a page’s ranking.

Dofollow backlinks are hyperlinks that pass authority from one site to another. The SEOvalue of dofollow links cannot be overstated because Google, through analysis of web trends and page performance, has long determined that they are the predominant contributor to a page’s ranking.

Dofollow backlinks are hyperlinks that pass authority from one site to another. The SEO value of dofollow links cannot be overstated because Google, through analysis of web trends and page performance, has long determined that they are the predominant contributor to a page’s ranking.

Dofollow Links Are Hyperlinks

Dofollow links are all about knowing who you're linking out to on your website. If you want people to know where they can find information about your business or service then this is one way of doing it!

What is a dofollow backlink
See also: Nofollow link

A nofollow link is a type of link that does not affect the rankings of the site it links to. It is a pass-through, meaning that it doesn't have any effect on your site.

A dofollow backlink has an actual impact on your website's rankings because Google uses them as part of itsranking algorithm.

Dofollow backlinks

A dofollow link is a link that passes authority from one site to another. The two sites share the same or similar content, but don't have to be in the same niche.

Dofollow backlinks (short for "dofollow") are the most important type of backlink because they can pass value. In other words, Google ranks pages with dofollow links higher than those without any kind of link at all!

A dofollow link is one that has been created by someone who has written about you or shared content about your business on their own blog/social media account(s). This means that you should look for opportunities where other people have talked positively about what you're doing—whether it's through reviews or just friendly recommendations from friends and family members who know how much passion goes into running a successful business like yours :)


It’s clear that the dofollow backlink is a powerful tool for SEO. It can help you rank higher by passing authority from one site to another, and it will also boost your website’s overall traffic. In short, this kind of link is extremely valuable and should be treated as such by any company looking to increase their search visibility through Google rankings.

Continue reading to learn about SEO

1. How to Improve SEO Performance with Professional Services

2. Razib SEO service

3. How to do SEO for website

4. How to get organic website traffic

5. Keyword research

6. SEO




10. MIX



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