What is on-page SEO


What is on-page SEO

What is on-page SEO

Introduction:- On-Page SEO is an extremely important part of any business’ website. This article will give you the basic information about on-page SEO so that you can start improving it for your own site and your clients’ sites.


On-page SEO is the practice ofoptimizing a website’s content to help it rank better in search engine results. It's important because it can make all the difference between getting lost in the shuffle or ranking high enough to attract visitors.

In this guide, we'll cover:

  • What is on-page SEO?
  • Why is on-page SEO so important?
  • How to optimize your content for SEO.

Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions are a brief description of your business, product or service that is displayed in search results. It’s important to have Meta Descriptions on all pages because they are the first thing that people see when they search for your business. If you don’t have Meta Descriptions, Google will automatically pull up the first 150 words from the page and display them as the description for each page. So if you want to drive traffic and increase sales then it’s critical that you spend time crafting these descriptions just right so that they show up as high in the search engineresult pages (SERPs) as possible

What is on-page SEO

Title Tags

Title tags are one of the most important on-page SEO elements. They are what will show up in search results and give you an edge over your competitors. The title tag is the first thing users see when they click on a result, so it's important to make sure it's compelling, descriptive, and accurate. It should include relevant keywords related to the content at hand and be no more than 70 characters long (including spaces). If you've got additional room for keywords, add them after "Title Tag Here."

URL optimization

The URL of a web page is the address that you type into your browser to view it. URLs are important because they are the first thing people see when they visit your website, and they help users navigate the site by letting them know where they are in relation to other pages on the site.

There are several things you should keep in mind when creating URLs:

  • The URL should be short and easy to remember. If someone has to write down or memorize an extremely long URL, then there's a good chance that he or she will forget it!
  • The URL should be relevant to what's on the page. For example, if you're writing about dogs at www.example.com/dogs/, then don't use "www" as part of your URL; instead use something like "dogtrainingtips". Also avoid using spaces within your URLs (e.g., http://www .example .com) since many search engines won't recognize these as valid entries in their databases yet!
  • You may want also include metadata information within each link such as whether it opens in new window space versus within current tabbed area (see below). This allows users who want quick access without having multiple windows open simultaneously open multiple tabs - which consumes memory resources on both sides - any time someone searches for something online while clicking through different pages quickly enough before closing them again after reading only part way through each one without getting bored enough not want anymore than just looking at one article per session...

Thecontent/copy of your page

  • The content of your page should be relevant to the page.
  • It should be unique.
  • It should be well written, with few spelling and grammar errors (you can get someone else to proofread it if you're not sure).
  • The organization of your content is just as important as its quality—make sure it's easy for readers to follow what you're saying, and use subheadings effectively if necessary.

There are many ways this could be done: an infographic; a how-to video; creating an ebook or white paper that answers common questions about a topic; even just straight text works!

What is on-page SEO

Body copy used to build relevance to your page

Use your keywords in your body copy.

When writing the body text, keep in mind that it should be relevant to your landing page and also incorporate keywords. This means using the right words, but also saying what you want visitors to hear or read. For example, if you were selling a product for dogs, it wouldn't make sense to write about cats or birds—even though those are animals too! Instead of writing "this collar is great for small dogs," try something like "this collar will fit any size dog from Chihuahuas to Great Danes." While we're at it...

  • Use your keywords in URLs.

Your URL should help users understand what they'll find when they click on it. Try including one or two of your primary keyword phrases in there so people know exactly where they're going before they even land on the page (and how).


Internal linking is essentially the act of linking to other pages on your own site, whether they're internal pages or external ones.

Internal Linking within a site

  • Links to internal pages on the same site: Every page in your website should link back to at least one other page on your own domain. This is important for two reasons: first, it helps visitors navigate your site because they can move around without having manually type in URLs; second, it makes sure that all pages are included in search engine indexes so they can be found by searchers.

Headings need to be optimized (H1, H2, H3)

  • Headings are important for SEO.
  • Your H1 tag is your most important heading and should be used only once on the page.
  • Use H2 headings for subheadings in your content, and use H3 headings for sub-subheadings.

Header Tags like an H1 tag is a section header that signals to Google the topic of the page. It’s very helpful to have one, but you don’t need more than one on a page. In fact, you can hurt your SEO if you have multiple H1 tags. In addition to the main H1 tag, there are subheader tags (H2-H6) that help Google understand how a long-form piece of content is organized. Using these correctly helps improve On-Page SEO rankings.

You should use H1 tags to signal the topic of your page. It’s recommended that you have only one H1 tag on each page, but it’s okay if you have multiple H2 through H6 tags. In addition to the main H1 tag, there are subheader tags (H2-H6) that help Google understand how a long-form piece of content is organized. Using these correctly helps improve On-Page SEO rankings.

This article contains everything about on-page SEO

This article is a comprehensive guide to on-page SEO. It covers everything you need to know about your website's content and how it affects search engines. This includes:

  • The importance of keyword research and target audience
  • Using long-tail keywords in your writing
  • How to structure content for readability and SEO

This article will also help you understand why it's important that your website has a high-quality domain name, strong security, and fast loading speed.


This article contains everything about on-page SEO.

Continue reading to learn about SEO

1. How to Improve SEO Performance with Professional Services

2. Razib SEO service

3. How to do SEO for website

4. How to get organic website traffic

5. Keyword research

6. SEO




10. MIX

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