How to create backlinks for my website free

How to create backlinks for my website free

How to create backlinks for my website free

Introduction:- Backlink is a way for search engines to determine your ranking in the SERP (search engine results page). They do this by crawling and indexing your website links. Backlinks can be either internal links or external links. Internal link is a link from your homepage to any page of your website, while external links are from other websites, social media platforms or blogs to your site. There are many reasons why you should have backlinks for your website. First of all, they will increase your traffic and you can get more sales and leads if you have good quality content on your site with relevant keywords. Increasing traffic also means more exposure which results in higher rankings on major search engines like Google and Bing etcetera... The more people visit your pages the higher chance they will click on ads displayed there!


One of the best places to create a backlink is through blog posts. You can write about a topic that you know, and then link to another website. This will help with SEO because it will show Google that your website is relevant for those keywords.

Another way to get backlinks is by using dofollow links from other websites on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms. You can also use web 2.0 sites or forum signatures as long as they have no spammy links (which could lead to being banned from Google).

If you have an online store or newsletter list then you should consider including backlinks within them – this will help people find your site when searching for products/information relating directly with what they want! The more specific keywords used in these areas means they're likely more targeted traffic than generic ones such as "relevant content" would be able to attract."

How to create backlinks for my website free

Writing Testimonials

Writing testimonials on your website is one of the best ways to build backlinks. It's also one of the easiest things you can do, and it's an excellent way to give back to others while building your own site.

Here are some tips for writing good testimonials:

  • Use a real name and email address so that it looks authentic. If you're not comfortable sharing this information publicly, then delete this part altogether or use "Anonymous" in place of their name and email address. You don't want anyone sending unsolicited emails or making phone calls because they think they're receiving a personal message from someone who worked with your company in some capacity. The last thing you want is more spam!

Registeron the Directories

  • Directories are sites that contain links to other websites.
  • They can be very useful for getting backlinks and increasing your website's domain authority.
  • You will find directories by searching for them in Google, Yahoo or Bing.
  • Once you have found the appropriate directory, click on "submit my site" or something similar and enter your website's URL. If there is an option to pay for a listing, I don't recommend doing so as it may not be worth the money you paid compared to what you will get in return (backlinks). If they require payment, then just move onto another directory without paying anything because it's likely that they're making money through advertising anyway.* You can also submit your website using [this tool](https://www-958bkp0k-dna7dw6fj8z1dd2c1l2gg7demoagdir/en/index) created by [Majestic SEO](* There are many different directories out there but here are some of my favorites:

Register on Forums and Blogs

Create a post on forums and blogs.

Step 1: Register on a forum or blog. The good thing about forums is that they are free and easy to register in. You can also find many active ones like Just choose the relevant category for your website and get started!

GuestPosting on Blogs and Websites

Guest posting is an effective way to get your content published on other websites and blogs. A guest post is a post that’s written by someone else on your blog, but it also includes links back to your website.

Guest posting allows you to:

  • Earn authority through links in the eyes of search engine algorithms
  • Get expert exposure for yourself and/or business
  • Generate traffic from other websites

PostingComments on Blogs and Websites

To create backlinks for your website, use a unique name and email address. Your IP address should be different from that of others who have commented on the same blog. Use a different browser, version of the browser (e.g., Chrome v64), operating system (Windows XP), device type (iPad Pro) and user agent to create more than one comment so as not to appear suspicious to search engine algorithms.

Social Bookmarking Sites

There are many social bookmarking sites where you can submit links to your website. Here is a list of some of the most popular and useful ones:

All these sites allow users to submit links from other websites, which means that you can get backlinks without having to create any content yourself! To do this, simply go to the site and log in if necessary (if it doesn't require registration). Then find the submission form for the type of content you're linking (for example, blog posts). After filling out this form with your URL and description of your link (including anchor text), click on "Submit". You should receive an email confirmation once everything is completed successfully!

How to create backlinks for my website free

Creating Slides or PDF Files

  • Create slides or PDF files on your website.
  • You can use a tool like Slideshare to create presentations and upload them to the site.
  • If you’re using WordPress, you can also create PDFs and link directly to them from within your content. This is helpful if you want people who are reading an article about the benefits of using WordPress or blogging in general (for example) to be able to download an e-book about it for free. In order for this method to work well, you need a good design team with access as well as good content creators who can write posts that will encourage readers into clicking through links at the end of each post rather than just reading through everything without clicking anything else except maybe share buttons on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter etc…

once you have these backlinks, then your website will rank higher in SERP

Once you have these backlinks, then your website will rank higher in SERP. This means more traffic, leads, sales and customers for you.

This is a great way to increase your ranking on search engines like Google. It's also one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your site because it's free and easy to do.

Now Go and Get Your Free Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important factors in rankings. They can help you achieve better rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. However, generating backlinks is not an easy task, especially if you don't have any experience in it. This article will show you how to get your first free backlink easily without spending a penny on it!

Comment Backlinks

  • Comment Backlinks
  • Comment on other blogs. Commenting is a great way to build links, but it can be difficult if you don't know how to do it effectively. You should read the blog's comment policy first, then follow up with a nice response (or two). This will show that you're interested in their content and worth engaging with them further!
  • Respond to blog comments on your own blog by responding with something thoughtful and relevant: "Thanks for sharing this article! I agree that [insert topic here]." Or even better yet: "Great point! Can't wait until we have time again." This shows that not only are you an active participant in discussion but also someone who cares enough about what they write so as not just leave a one-line reply without any purpose behind it (as many bloggers tend towards doing).


Profile backlinks are the links that appear on your profile page. They can be a great way to get free backlinks if you're not sure how to get them, so let's take a look at how it works.

To add a link to your Google+ profile from another website or blog, follow these steps:

  • Go to and log in with either an existing Gmail account or create one via this link ( ). You will be asked if you want to allow someone else access; click "Allow" if they've already been added as "People who know me." If not, go ahead and click on "Allow." This allows them access because they're already listed under "My contacts," otherwise there would be no way for them access anything without having been added first by someone else on Google+.
  • Click “View Profile” at the top right corner of the page where it says “Your Profile” next time you visit this same URL from anywhere else besides within Google+ itself after creating one first; this is where all these details about yourself come up online!

Forum Backlinks

  • Find forums that are relevant to your niche.
  • Join, and start conversations with other members.
  • Make sure you follow the forum rules.
  • Include a link to your website in your signature every time you post, so people can easily find out more about you or contact you if they need help with something specific.*

Article Directories

Article directories are a great place to get backlinks, but they can also be a good place to get traffic. Getting listed in an article directory is hard, but once you’re there, it won’t be too difficult for your site to rank high. You’ll want to make sure that your content is of high quality and that you have a lot of relevant links pointing back at your website (and not just one). The downside here is that if people don't find what they're looking for on the first try, then they may never come back again—which means no more traffic or revenue potential!

How to create backlinks for my website free

Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to get your name out there. If you have an interesting product or service, it's worth submitting a press release to some of the many sites that let you do so.

Some sites will allow you to submit your own press releases for free; others will charge fees for such services. The best thing about free services is that they allow you to submit as many press releases as possible, whereas those that charge fees typically limit the number of submissions per year (or month).

Guest  Posting

Guest posting is a great way to get backlinks. The best way to write an article for guest posting is by following these steps:

  • Write an exceptional post that will help your website rank higher in search engines.
  • Post the article on a high-quality site with lots of backlinks (and make sure it's relevant).
  • Make sure the site has a high domain authority, page authority and social shares. This will increase your chances of getting indexed by Google!

Need another free backlink? You know the answer.

  • You need more free backlinks
  • You are not getting enough free backlinks
  • You need to get more free backlinks
  • Other people are getting free backlinks, but you are not!
  • Free backlinks are important for SEO and good for your business.


12 Ways to Get Free Backlinks for Your Business This Month

Getting high quality backlinks to your site is one of the best ways to boost rankings and increase traffic. The problem is that most people don't know how to get these links, which makes it even more difficult for them to achieve their goals. That's why we've put together this list of 12 easy ways you can get free backlinks for your business this month:

Create Business Listings

  • Create a listing for your business on Google My Business.
  • Create a listing on Yelp.
  • Create a listing on Facebook Business Page.
  • Create a listing on Yellow Pages, Foursquare and Bing Places.

Claim Your Google My Business Listing

How to create backlinks for my website free

Google My Business is a free service that allows you to claim your business listing on Google Maps, Search, and Gmail. If you have a local business or franchise, this is one of the best ways for you to get free backlinks because people will be able to find out about it from their smartphones.

The main benefit of claiming your Google My Business listing is that if someone looks up "restaurant near me" on their phone and sees yours listed as an option (along with other businesses), they'll likely click through because they want food!


Guest posting is the act of publishing content on other websites, usually in exchange for a link back to your site. You can do this by contacting sites directly or through third-party networks like Guest Blogging Central, HubSpot's Content Marketing Network and Buffer.

Why should you guest post? First off, it's a great way to build relationships with bloggers who may share similar interests as yours and help spread awareness about you and your brand with their audience by sharing something they think is interesting enough to read. If someone likes what they read from one of these sites (or any website), chances are there will be more people following along with them down the line! It also helps build up connections between bloggers who know each other because they've done work together previously on another project - so if someone does have some extra time available during busy times at work or school then maybe those two could collaborate together sometime soon down the road when both parties are ready again...

Directory Listings

If you want to get a link from a directory site, the best option is to use one of the following:

If you don't have a page for your business on these sites, it's still possible to submit an application and be listed in their directories as "coming soon". The only thing left after submitting an application is waiting for them to approve or disapprove it—so long as they don't reject your request outright, there's no real limit on how long this can take (although I've heard stories of people getting rejected within 24 hours).

Broken Links

If you're looking to get free backlinks, this is an easy way to do it. Start by using a tool like Open Site Explorer or Ahrefs to find broken links on your website. Then, fix them—and make sure not to have any internal broken links along the way! If you want more information about how to use these tools effectively, check out our guide on how they work.

Once you've fixed all of the broken links on your site and made sure that there aren't any 404 errors (which can happen if someone uses a search engine that doesn't support 301 redirects), try running Google's Webmaster Tools report again; this should give us some fresh data about what kind of content we need around here at home base before we start building up our own authority online with an aim towards SEO (searchengine optimization).

How to create backlinks for my website free

Featured Snippets

The featured snippet is a tool that Google uses to display preview snippets of your page in search results. The feature was added in early 2017 and allows you to display a small bit of content from your site without the user having to click through all of the way.

You can get featured snippets by adding one or more tags with a rel=canonical attribute on them (for example: ). This will cause Googlebot (the crawler) to crawl and index your page, which means it'll appear as its own unique URL when people search for it on Google!

Niche Forums, Blogs, and Discussions Boards

  • Niche forums, blogs and discussion boards
  • Find them: This can be difficult if you don't have a good network. But there are plenty of places online where you can find niches that are already being discussed by people in your industry. For example, if you write about marketing strategies for small businesses, look at forums like LinkedIn Groups or Reddit's Business subreddit. You can also check out niche communities on Facebook groups and Google+ communities (if they exist).
  • Do something: Once you've found the right forum or group for your business topic (and it has enough members), join up! Post something relevant to the conversation happening within these communities—and make sure it's something that relates specifically to what makes those particular groups special; otherwise all your posts will get lost in noise among hundreds of others from all over the world who just want their opinions heard."

Build Relationships with Influencers

Build Relationships with Influencers

Influencers are people who have a lot of followers and influence their niche. They can be found by using tools like BuzzSumo or Followerwonk. You can also find influencers by searching on Google, Twitter, or Facebook for the keywords related to your business. For example if you're looking for some examples of new blogs/websites in the blogging space that are relevant to your industry then you could use this tool:  (Note: This link will open up a new tab).

If there isn't an exact match between what you're looking for and where I suggest searching then try using another keyword instead! It's important not only because it helps narrow down results but also because it gives us an idea as well as an opportunity too!

Create a Free Tool with Embedded Links

  • Create a free tool that solves a problem for your audience.
  • People will want to share it with their friends, and they’ll link back to you in the process.
  • Include links to your site in the tool, so people know where else they can go for more information about what you offer.
  • Make sure it is useful, not just another link farm! You want people using this tool because they need it and not just because someone told them about it via an email newsletter or Facebook post (which would still work).

Use tools like Google Trends or Google Insights for Mobile Apps to see what people are searching for online at any given moment in time; if there isn't something similar yet available on your platform then maybe now is the time!

Q&A Sites and Communities

Q&A sites and communities are a great way to get free backlinks. You can find many of them on the Internet, but they're also a great way to build your online presence and help people who might not know about you.

In order to use these sites effectively, you'll want to make sure that you're answering questions from people who are actually looking for answers from other users. For example, if I were looking for information about my car's oil change policy (and I'm not), then I wouldn't go on Quora or ask the question there—the chances of getting an answer from someone with no vested interest in my topic would be slim.

Instead, I'd go onto Yahoo Answers or another site where people regularly ask questions like mine—and then try my best not only at answering those questions but also providing value in return! After all: It's important that we help each other out when possible!

How to create backlinks for my website free

Local Sponsorships and Donations

  • Donate to charity.
  • Sponsor a local business.
  • Sponsor a local event or sports team.
  • Sponsor a local school or club (if you can).

Sponsorships are a great way to get free backlinks, but it's important to make sure that your sponsor is reputable and has good reputation in the area where you want to host your page. The last thing you want is for people not to trust the content on this new site of yours because they don't know who wrote it!

Harness the Power of Social Media Communities

Social media is a great way to reach your audience. You can use it as an opportunity for you to promote your business, and at the same time, get feedback from customers who are already familiar with what you do. If someone posts a review on Yelp or TripAdvisor that mentions your company, it could boost the visibility of both your brand and product in front of new eyes.

You can also use social media sites like LinkedIn or Twitter as part of an outreach strategy where influencers share relevant links about products or services related to yours so that these people see them when they visit their profiles (and vice versa). This kind of networking has been shown by some research studies called "social proof" which suggests that consumers are more likely than not going through websites which feature positive reviews from other users first before making any decision themselves!

There are many ways to get high quality links to your site.

There are many ways to get highquality links to your site. The most important thing is that you need to know what kind of backlinks you want, and then go find them.

Here are some tips on how you can get free backlinks for your business:

  • Find Authority Sites: If someone has written a blog post or article about a topic that relates to yours, they probably have authority over it's topic. Search Google for keywords related to what it is that interests you and see if there are any blogs with high traffic numbers (500k+ per month) who talk about similar topics as yours. If so, send them an email asking them if they would like to be added as an author at [your domain name]. This will help increase credibility within the community while simultaneously generating more interest by potential customers who may be interested in buying from [yoursite].


That’s all there is to it! You now have a free backlink and a bunch of high-quality backlinks that you can use to improve your site. If you want to get even more in-depth with this process, we recommend checking out our free course entitled “How To Build Backlinks: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Quality Backlinks.”

It’s easy to see why getting backlinks is such an important part of any SEO campaign. They can make or break your search rankings, and they give your website instant credibility with customers. But even though we’ve covered a lot of useful ways to get free backlinks for your business this month, there are plenty more out there if you want them—and by now, you probably do! If you want more information about how best to use each method, be sure to check out our guide on getting links from directories and directories themselves:

I hope the above-listed techniques help you to get backlinks for your website.

Continue reading to learn about SEO

1. How to Improve SEO Performance with Professional Services

2. Razib SEO service

3. How to do SEO for website

4. How to get organic website traffic

5. Keyword research

6. SEO




10. MIX

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